Mastering the art of self-care


What's top of your gratitude list this week? 
My husband! I'm always grateful for him - and I show it a lot. I think that's one of the key things in why our relationship works despite him having to travel for work so much. Communication and appreciation!

We both took the love languages test a few years ago and it really helped us both know exactly how we each desire to feel and receive love.

What does self-care mean to you and why do you think it's so important for our wellbeing? 
Self-care is really at the core of self-love and self-discovery. When you commit time to showing your body, your mind and your spirit the care that it deeply deserves and desires, it allows us to connect with ourselves. I can't tell you the amount of epiphanies, honest self-chats and insights I've had whilst dry body brushing or taking myself for a walk in the park when I was meant to be doing the washing! It needs to take priority because we really do expand and grow into the best version of ourselves when we're looking after us first! That benefits not only us, but those around us too. Truly.

Why do you think we all find it so hard to prioritise self-care in 2018? 
I see so many people living in these self-created busy traps! But being busy isn't a badge of honour. It takes courage and strength to set boundaries and say no sometimes. We seem to have this constant fear of missing out or losing out if we step back and slow down, which is why we're increasingly dealing with adrenal fatigue, anxiety, stress-induced illness. I got caught up in the 'busy' trap too until I realised that so much of what I was prioritising as 'important' really wasn't serving me or those I loved and just harming my health! You do have to be a bit ruthless when it comes to prioritising self-care, but set an example and others will end up respecting you for it and following your lead!


You seem to have mastered the art of self-care, what advice would you give someone who finds self-care leads to guilt?
I hear this A LOT! I always think - what's more selfish? Showing up as a crappy, half-assed version of myself? One who's tired, cranky, snappy, poorly nourished, lacking in energy? Or the version of me who takes care of herself as a priority and is kind, loving, compassionate, a keen listener, a good friend, wife, teacher, boss? I think you know the answer to that one.

What is your weekly self-care routine? What are the non-negotiables even when you are travelling/busy/sick? 
I ALWAYS make time for a morning matcha or moon milk or a tea if I'm travelling and sit with my thoughts for 15 minutes. It's a kind of meditation for me. It gives me time to reflect, ponder, nourish myself (especially if my matcha or moon milk is loaded with adaptogens) and just be still first thing. I also walk a lot and use this time to listen to podcasts or just be with my thoughts. I think just BEING with yourself and your thoughts is so important. I've learnt a lot about myself by just creating white space in my day for this. I also always dry body brush before I shower and spend 5 minutes just thanking and admiring my body. I think we forget sometimes how hard our body works just to keep us alive! I'm grateful for all that it does! When I lost my Dad in 2016, I went to see his body at the morgue, which was unspeakably difficult but also incredibly life-changing for me. It made me realise just how precious life is and how fortunate we are to just BE alive because it can really be gone in a breath. 


When you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do to bring yourself back to balance?
Getting into nature and going for a walk (even if it's just to the local park or even cemetery in my case! There's trees and squirrels haha it's all I need). Just getting out of my own head and seeing that there's something bigger than myself right now, as in the trees or squirrels jumping about, helps me re-centre. I'm also learning how to DJ at the moment and music is a sure fire way for me to plug in and chill out. It's an easy fix because most of us have our phones with us everywhere these days and I have a dedicated 'keep calm and chill' playlist for moments of stress and anxiety.


We are advocates of play and having fun to reduce stress and anxiety. What play do you inject into your life? 
DJing! I honestly feel like a kid whenever I'm behind a set of decks, that is serious fun to me! I love music and inject it in my life wherever possible. I spend hours sometimes curating playlists for my yoga classes (and always get asked what tunes I play!) I'm also incredibly fortunate to have a very fun, silly and playful marriage. We're both massive dorks and constantly crack each other up. 

What’s one area you currently working on improving in your life?
Focus! I'm multi-passionate and juggle a lot of balls! I'm impatient, fast thinking and fast acting and incredible at launching into things and making them happen - but then struggle to stick with it and continue when the 'buzz' has died down. So focusing on one thing at a time for me (rather than a million things at once) has been something I'm working on.....I say this but currently I'm DJing, teaching yoga, blogging and launching a new mama focused wellness site called Om Mama early 2019 haha, it's a work in progress!!

If you could recommend just one habit or ritual to someone starting out on their health and wellbeing journey, what would it be? 
15 minutes white space in the morning as soon as you get up. Plan nothing but to spend time solo with yourself. Whether it be by meditating, sitting with a tea or coffee, reading or even sitting in bed with your thoughts. (Bonus: dry body brushing has also been a game-changer for me in terms of body love!)


Describe your perfect dream day, if there were no limitations……
I'd wake up with the sun in our beachside home in Sydney (one day!), have a cuddle in bed with my hubby and kitties and then sit on the balcony watching the ocean with a matcha and my thoughts. I'd then get dressed and head to a yoga class or workout with my PT before meeting a friend for breakfast (eggs and avocado toast please!) Back home for a 9am start working on my own blog for an hour or two before diving into managing my global team who work on the Om Mama site. Around 2pm I'd break for lunch and either have a lunch meeting with a PR or grab something from the kitchen. That afternoon I'd head to either the evening workshop I'm teaching yoga at/speaking at or a brand event that I'm DJing for. I’d meet hubby for a late dinner afterwards before we head home to collapse on the sofa and watch an episode of the latest series we're binge watching with a tea, before crawling into bed to do it all again tomorrow! Life is good!

Any parting advice for how to welcome in healthy, happy, mindful living?  
Create space for it in your life. It won't magically appear for you unless you invite it in. You have to realise that it's you and only you that has the ability to live a happier, healthier, more mindful life. No one else holds your answers, it just begins with a choice and committing to better for yourself. Being open to love, discovery and more!!

Follow Coco on instagram for some serious wellness inspo or check out her blogs, meditations and wellness shop at